Choosing the right paint colors for your home office

Choosing the right paint colors for your home office

Lately we’ve had a lot of people contacting us looking for painters to redo their home office in Kelowna, and it’s not much of a surprise. Because of the Coronavirus many people have had to work from home, and many people may want to continue working from home even when the pandemic has ended. Because of that, people are really looking to make their home office much more comfortable, and the paint color of your home office can have an impact on your mood and productivity. So, what do we suggest for your home office?

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Colors to help with concentration

If you find it hard to concentrate in your home office, calming colors like blue or green are very helpful. These colors tend to help us focus on what we’re doing, which will help your mind from wandering. Some shades can make you feel almost too calm, but there are different shades of these colors that can really boost your energy.

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Colors for creativity

When your finding a bit of a block when it comes to expanding and being more creative, yellows, purples, and vibrant greens are actually great options. These colors are known to awaken your imagination which will help you be more creative.

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Colors to avoid

During these uncertain times people have found their anxiety skyrocketing, and this has a negative impact on your productivity. Warm or bright colors like red and orange are the ones you should be cautious about. Red has actually been known to increase your heart rate. If you like these types of colors, it may be best to just use them as accent colors, instead of them taking up the majority of your space.

Other ideas for your home office

One thing you can do to improve your office space, while also not making it too drastic from the rest of your home, is an accent wall. Look into having the wall behind or beside your desk a certian bold color, while keeping the rest of the room more neutral.

Another thing that can distract people from their work is a cluttered office. Now that you’ve decided to repaint your home office, this may also be a good time to declutter and reorganize your space.

Now that you’ve seen some options and read a few tips, it’s time to get that home office painted. Contact us today, and get an expert painters opinion in Kelowna.